Parenting Trump

Michelle Newcome
2 min readJan 23, 2017

Let’s talk about being a “snowflake” and get to the heart of this thing we face. I’m not a snowflake. What I am is a parent. And as all parents know, there are five fundamental lessons of parenting:
1. Be kind
2. Share
3. Don’t bite
4. Tell the truth
5. Don’t get too full of yourself

If you want to know why the majority of Americans — and yes, it is the majority and yes there are statistics to back that up — are fired up about the Trump presidency it’s because his actions have activated us as parents. We the People are Mom and Dad when we are at home.
And part of being a good parent is saying to your child,
“Do not bully that other child. You are no better than they are.”
“Oh, you think you are so special you don’t have to follow the rules? Let me take you down a peg.”
“That was a lie and don’t you think I didn’t hear you telling it. Liars never prosper and don’t you forget it.”
“We do not bite other people. It’s mean and it hurts.”
“You need to take turns with that toy — you can’t hog all the toys or no one will play with you.”

We parents see the Trump presidency for what it is — a toddler who breaks every one of the social constructs parents have instilled in their children for millennia in order to keep the herd together and working constructively.

Not a parent? You’re still a human. You know the rules. You were raised right. Your parents tried to make you fit to be in concert with other humans.

You know what happens to people who don’t follow the 5 basic social rules and constructs? We the People who are mom and dad or aunt and uncle or grandma and grandpa or just another human being at home take the transgressor down. History is full of people who transgressed the five rules and were removed from their ability to hurt other people.

We’ll also be applauding if behavior changes — just like a parent does when that toddler learns that they need to follow the basic rules in order to get along constructively. We want our presidency to succeed and our nation to prosper. We have love in our hearts. We the People who are mom and dad and human at home are not going to be joyous at abject failure of our beautiful country. But we’re not going to let the 5 social constructs be broken without repercussions.

Just a warning from someone who is We the People, not a snowflake.



Michelle Newcome

Designated adult. Founder and CEO. Organizational resilience consultant. Publisher of How2Conquer. Poet. World traveler.